Tuesday 18 December 2012

Hokkaido Ramen Santouka

If you're a Jakarta kid like me, you'll notice the growing ramen industry in the city. Like, really, ramen shops are popping up everywhere with their own Japanese chefs. I personally don't mind since I love ramen, and so here I am trying out one of the newly-opened ramen shops, Hokkaido Ramen Santouka!

Went here on Friday afternoon with my family, decided to eat here because we're feeling adventurous :D It's located in Plaza Indonesia Extension mall, near my favorite book-and-gifts store, Aksara. The place was crowded at that time, we had to queue to get a table. Most of the customers were Japanese business dudes, so that's reassuring. If the Japanese like it then the place must be good.

For the Appetizer, mom ordered Pork Gyoza. It tastes awesome. The bottom of the gyoza is nicely "burned" giving it a crispy texture, and the filling got some nice savory flavors. One portion only contains 5 pieces of gyoza, so each one of my family only got to eat a piece of gyoza, which is just not satisfying enough. I want to eat, like, one more portion of it lol

My main course that day was this Shio Ramen, with pork. It consists of slices of pork, fish cake, pumpkin, and leeks. The broth's flavor is rather light-flavored, the ramen itself is greasy. The combined flavor of the ramen and broth is kinda like chinese noodles somehow. The pork is awesome, it's not hard to chew and the balance between the fat and the meat is nice. Bad thing was... I ordered the small bowl, so I only got a slice of pork. Good thing my mom donated her slice of pork to me. Ha.

For you who likes spicy Ramen, you might want to try the Kara-Miso Spicy Ramen my mom ordered. The broth is a bit thick and it has a flavor that is kinda like kimchi. I could imagine how nice it could be eating this dish in a cold, rainy night. Yum. Oh, and my mom also ordered an egg as the topping, I actually forgot what the name is, but it's delicious! It's not an ordinary egg, it's seasoned so that the yolk tastes saltier and have that shoyu taste to it. It's a really nice addition to any ramen :9

In conclusion, Hokkaido Ramen Santouka is a nice ramen shop that could delight ramen lovers. Just be ready to pay a bit more, because the price ain't cheap. The place is nice also, if you sit on the outer part of the restaurant, you can take better pictures since it's brighter #photographygeek :P
I looked up on google, and it turns out that this ramen shop is a world famous one! You better try this, then. Anyway, Happy December, readers! :D

Plaza Indonesia Extension Level 5 #E11
Jl. MH Thamrin, Kav 28 - 30

+/- Rp 90.000 / person
