Thursday 8 November 2012


Another post after a while, been busy with university stuff, but I'm glad I can finally work on a post for my blog again :) Found this place at Plaza Senayan, 3rd floor. I actually have been there twice, I didn't order anything at my first visit due to full stomach, but I did notice the quite cozy atmosphere of the place. My mom is the one who introduces me to Seroeni, a Penang Cuisine restaurant.

Okay now for the Appetizer, what caught my eye was the Oyster Omelette because I happen to love oysters (high five if you love 'em too).

Oyster Omelette - 28k

The inside texture is nice and fluffy, the outer layer is a liiiittle bit crispier, and it tastes kinda like Martabak skin. The sauce complements the omelette really well, it gives a fresh, sweet and sour sensation and also a little bit spicy, the taste reminded me a bit of Thai Chili Sauce. Inside the Omelette are leeks, onion, bits of chili, and of course, the oyster. This is a nice appetizer for me, the balance of flavors are nice, one thing I would say to the chef: "Put in more oysters there!"
Now moving on to the main course, I ordered Beef Fried Kway-Teow.

Beef Fried Kway-Teow - 35k
The Kwayteow is a bit standard for me. It's okay texture-wise and at least the individual kwayteows are not bland. The beef slices have more flavor to 'em, still not so strong though. It's a light-flavored dish, no strong flavors anywhere here.

Speaking of the atmosphere, I think it's quite homey and warm with all those wooden ornaments. I somehow have a thing with wooden interiors, they really warm up the place. This place could be a pretty nice lunch-meeting place. Overall, Seroeni is a nice warm restaurant which serves Penang Style dishes, the prices are fair and the quality ain't bad, I'd come back for the Oyster Omelette honestly :9

Plaza Senayan Level 3 Unit 338B
Jl.Asia Afrika no. 8, Senayan, South Jakarta

Rp 50.000 - Rp 85.000 / person

8 / 10